Friday 3 August 2012

Working Life

As mentioned before, I have now been off work for 2 and a half blissful months of holidays. But if I want this adventure to continue I need to replenish my funds and start earning some Pounds!

The whole process of applying for jobs is different here- you have to go through a recruitment agent who puts you forward for roles and arranges interviews and all the finer details for you.

I don't like to mention work on the internet so I won't go into details, except to say I've just finished my first week of my new social work job at an acute hospital just out of london. It is about an hr commute each way and is surrounded by farms and forest. It's a bit far but the pay rate is good, and I don't mind the ride or the fresh country air! I have been podcasting Hamish & Andy to keep me entertained which is quite funny as I'm often chuckling to myself while sitting on the train.

The team is super friendly and I've enjoyed my first week- though there is so much to learn! They do things quite differently here in the UK so will take me a while to get my head around how it all works.

Its now Friday and I'm looking forward to the weekend- getting back to full time work has actually been quite fun, but super exhausting! I keep waking up in the middle of the night worrying I've slept in, but once I get into the routine of things I should be fine. So here I am with a 9-5 job now, no more weekday adventures to report on! Plenty of weekend excitement to look forward to though, theres always something happening here.

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