Friday 21 December 2012

Stockholm, Sweden - November 2012

The best part about living in London is the ability to jet off for a weekend to a completely different country! On the 23rd November, I met with 5 other girls at Gatwick Airport after a friday at work and we took a plane to Stockholm! We got an airport tranfer and arrived at our hostel at about 11pm.

The following day we headed out to check out the town, starting with a walking tour. The tour was ok, got taken around the new part of town, learned about heaps of things that come from Sweden, but ditched it halfway to go do our own exploring.

We went up to an outdoor park called
Skansen and spent most of the day there. It's like an outdoor museum/animal park with old homestead and Scandinavian animals including reindeers and wolves! Pretty cool. In the centre they had Christmas markets set up so was very festive.

After Skansen we took a ferry back to our hostel in old town and got ready for a nice dinner. We were staying in a big 12 bed dorm and make friends with a friendly Spanish guy who ended up joining us for dinner too.

We went to a restaurant called Pelikan- recommended to us for its traditional Swedish food. It was great. The local specialties are Elk and Herring, so tried them out, very nice.

After dinner a few of us went out for a few drinks at a local bar. It was here we realised just how full Sweden is of students! The bar was ok, bit sleazy, so headed back to the hostel shortly after.

On Sunday we went for a shop, watched the changing of the guards at the castle, had Fika (the best!), and checked out the Christmas markets in the Old Town Centre. Lovely.

We then got our airport transfer and caught our flight back to london, about a 2 hr flight. Great weekend trip! Sweden is very clean, very friendly and definitely worth a visit. Would like to see more of it if I get a chance to get back there :)

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