This weekend I ended up working on Saturday to get some more ££. Saturday work was actually really good and very productive :) I have 2 days off next week and I don't get paid for leave so working extra works well for me.
On Saturday night after getting home from work we headed to Battersea Park to go to the Guy Fawkes celebrations- they lit a huge bonfire in the middle of the park followed by an amazing firework show. The fireworks were awesome and all synchronized to music...very cool. There are fireworks all over England to celebrate Guy Fawkes.
After the park celebrations we headed out- 1 pub, 1 bar and 1 nightclub later...home by 4am. These aussie/England buddies sure know how to party!
Sunday was spent sleeping, chilling out and relaxing at home.
Ps. I won something! Well I won a subscription to a FREE magazine. Not really sure how that's winning considering a few pages later theres an ad saying anyone can subscribe to it for free but anywhoo...winner?