Me at the Gymnastics stadium |
Olympic fever has hit London! There was such a buzz around the city leading up to the Games which has continued all week. There were big worries about the transport system not being able to cope but we're a week into it now and as far as i can tell things are all going smoothly. There are volunteers everywhere around London keeping things in order and directing everyone where to go.
I went to the pub with a few aussie friends last Friday to watch the opening ceremony. The atmosphere was incredible as we watched it on the big screen with everyone cheering like crazy.
I really wanted to go see an event but had almost given up on getting tickets as its quite a difficult process. But I persisted as its not everyday the olympics are in the city you're living in!
I got so lucky that one day Gymnastics popped up on the ticket website and I immediately clicked to buy (they sometimes release tickets the night before an event). It is one sport I love to watch on tv every Olympic games, and I never thought id ever get tickets to it.
But I did! I got two tickets to the women's artistic gymnastics qualifying rounds. I didn't really need the two, but after I bought the first one, tickets for the Australian round came up, so of course I had to buy that too! That ticket actually got me into two rounds so I got to see 3 out of 5 of the qualifying rounds. Yaaaay :)
I loved it! It was amazing being there in the Arena. I had such good seats too, 3 rows from the front and right in front of the balance beam. I went by myself but was sitting next to a friendly bunch of American girls- since USA weren't in the round we were watching I convinced them all to cheer for Australia too, very handy with their loud voices.
The Aussie girls did well :) So so amazing to be there watching. Felicity was watching it on TV in Aus and I told her what I was wearing (the only green thing I own) and she saw me on TV in the crowd!!
I'll hopefully be able to see a few of the other free Olympic events around London too. I've already seen some of the cycling athletes ride past in a race- I think they were coming dead last though.
I'll be cheering the Aussies on and hopefully will see a few more Olympic events in the next few weeks if I get the chance :)
My Olympic Shirt